Bisq Blog

Bisq DAO: The First 4 Cycles

The Bisq DAO launched 4 months ago, after more than 4 years of development. It has now completed 4 voting cycles. In this post, we provide an update on how it's worked out so far.

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Bitcoin and the Store of Value Narrative

Manuel posits that Bitcoin's value cannot be explained with a store-of-value approach.

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Time for the DAO to take over

With the DAO in place Bisq has to evolve its organisational structure without its founders. The departure of the founders was planned from the very beginning. Now it is time to fulfill that plan.

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Why Some Bitcoin Companies Go Rogue: An Interview with Janine from Block Digest

Ricardo Martinez interviews Janine of Block Digest. They discuss a peculiar phenomenon—the tendency for people and companies made successful by Bitcoin to turn against Bitcoin—and why it happens.

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Bisq DAO Launches with Bisq v1.0

After years in the making, the Bisq DAO has launched on mainnet with the v1.0 release of the Bisq software, just days before Bisq celebrates 3 years in production.

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Why I Am a Bisq Contributor: Aruna Surya

Aruna Surya discusses her experience with being a Bisq contributor—why she started contributing, why she continues contributing, and how there's still a lot to like for a non-technical person with diverging interests.

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Privacy Best Practices & Bisq: An Interview with Max Hillebrand

Ricardo Martinez interviews Max Hillebrand of the World Crypto Network. They discuss privacy in general, privacy with respect to bitcoin, privacy with respect to Bisq, and more.

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How to Set Up a Bitcoin Regtest Environment

In this post, Tomáš shows you how to set up your very own Bitcoin regtest environment with bitcoin-qt and make your own blocks!

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Benefits of the Bisq DAO, Part I: Funding FLOSS & Avoiding Surveillance Capitalism

The Bisq DAO enables value transfer and decision-making for the Bisq network. But it has several additional benefits too, which we'll focus on in this series.

In this post, Part I of this series, we'll discuss how Bisq's revenue model offers a new approach to funding open-source software development that, by design, avoids incentives to exploit user privacy altogether.

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How to Earn BSQ by Contributing to Bisq

Bisq is an open-source software project, but it has a built-in revenue model to compensate its contributors—and anyone is welcome to contribute!

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