Bisq Blog

Beta version launched

A big day for Bitsquare – we have launched our Beta version!

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New P2P network

Some of you might ask what causes the delay of the beta release which was planned for that summer. The reason for the delay is a change in a fundamental part of the application – the P2P network.

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The Problem with Crypto Governance is Power

The really interesting problem in the recent Bitcoin crisis is not the block size debate. Nearly everyone agrees that there is need for a solution, but the consensus ends there. The form that the solution should take – and even the urgency of the problem itself – are still both hotly debated.

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New team members

Good news! Bitsquare is expanding: Amanda Johnson and Mihail Mihaylov were delighted to join our team.

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Killer apps

Regardless of what you think or whatever you got presented by the media regarding the Greek crisis, I think many of you will agree, that our current political system is in need for a drastic improvement to say the least. Depending on the interpretation of the severity of the problem one might come to the conclusion that our political, economic and financial system is just too broken to get fixed.

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Development update

It was a bit quiet here the last months, but there was going on a lot on the development front.

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Bitsquare v0.4 (payment methods and arbitration system)

Development update for verion 0.4 including a demonstration of the payment methods and the arbitration system:

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I wanted to give a short update about the project state as things have changed a bit since the last Blog post.

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Crowdfunding campaign conclusion

The Bitsquare crowdfunding1 campaign has ended without reaching our funding goal. We are disappointed, but also proud and encouraged by the amount of the support we did receive. The enthusiasm we have seen from the community confirms we are on the right track and fuels our own passion to make Bitsquare a reality.

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Reality check

We are glad to announce that we have started our new approach to iteratively fund the development of our project using Lighthouse. Please find all details about our campaign at the crowdfunding2 section on our webpage.

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